Thread: formatting a date when some nulls exist

formatting a date when some nulls exist

Eric Walstad
Hi All,
I'm trying to format a date type column, which contains some nulls.  I'm
getting an error:

ewtest=# select to_char(birthday, 'YYYY-MM-DD') from contacts;
ERROR:  Unable to convert date to tm

I'm assuming that the error is because of the null values.  If I
constrain the query to a record which I know has a valid date, it
returns the formatted date as I would expect:

ewtest=# select to_char(birthday, 'YYYY-MM-DD') from contacts where
(1 row)

I suspect that I need to COALESCE or CASE my way out of this, but I
haven't been able to figure out how.  I'm hoping someone out there can
tell me how to return the formatted date or null or an empty string.

Thanks for any help!
