Thread: inserting a null value into table

inserting a null value into table

"Juliet May"
I can't seem to find anything in my book and the postgresql website seems to be down but on occasion I need to insert null values into my database. The values that need to be inserted come from a form and a do not want to require that all elements of the form are filled out prior to submitting. I would like the user to be able to leave some of the form elements blank.
The php and sql statements I am using look something like this:
if ($seed_spacing=='')$seed_spacing=(what should I put here to make it null?);
$sql="insert into seeding (seeding_date, seeding_acres, seed_spacing) values ('2002-05-22', 50, ??)";
Thanks for the help,

Re: inserting a null value into table

Josh Berkus

You should join the PGSQL-PHP mailing list.

-Josh Berkus