Thread: 7.2 startup with md5 pass?

7.2 startup with md5 pass?

Hi folks.

Just installed 7.2 this afternoon, I musy say the docs are much easier
to read than 7.0; so easy I finally managed to get host-based auth
and md5 user passwords working without getting a single nosebleed.

Only snag is that the init script seems to need a login from pgsql
to get things up and running, so  I was wondering how to automate
that now that the pgsql user has a password set?

Turning off the password isn't an option; I suppose I could
set 'local' auth method to 'trust' in pg_hba.conf, but I'd really
rather not; is there some way to feed the password into the init script
safely (chmod 700 /etc/rc.d/pgsql will at least keep it secret then).


Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns