Thread: Re: pgadmin

Re: pgadmin

"Josh Berkus"

> i've got pgadmin II v 1.2 and postgre 7.1.1 and I'm having trouble
> connecting to my database.  Pgamin is running on xp and postgre is
> running on a redhat linux box.

Let me warn you right off; PGAdmin, as far as I know, has not been
 tested with XP.

> The error i'm getting happens when i'm trying to connect:
> Number: -214721843
> Description: No pg_hba.conf entry for host, user leoj,
> database sbm

> There is a line in my pg_hba.conf that reads:
> host         sbm    password
> leoj
> I've tried it with with a number of combination including:
> host   all    trust
> host   sbm  ident  leoj
> I've started postmaster with -i and I have tcpip_socket = true in
> postgresql.conf.

I've run into this problem before.  Generally, it's caused by one of a
 few things:
1) I actually have *two* pg_hba.conf files on my machine, and
 Postmaster is reading the wrong one due to wrong startup parameters.
2) I need to stop and re-start postmaster because it isn't noticing the
 change for some reason.
3) My local DNS is screwed up, and the Postgres server is seeing the
 client machine as the wrong IP.

If none of those is the case, then try joining the pgsql-odbc list and
 see if anyone else can help you.


______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
                                       Josh Berkus
  Complete information technology
   and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293
  for law firms, small businesses        fax 621-2533
    and non-profit organizations.      San Francisco