Thread: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

Import DB from DOS- dbase4

"Fernando M. Maresca"
i working around an application with Postgres as DB server, but the
data for now comes from a DOS app. and the file format of the
tables is dbase 4; so, can i import these tables directly into
postgres tables automatically?
Are there some kind of utility?
Fernando M. Maresca
Monitoring Station S.A.
48 n° 812 La Plata - BA - ARG
Tel/Fax: (54) 221 425 3355
ICQ: 101304086

Re: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

"Josh Berkus"

> i working around an application with Postgres as DB server, but the
> data for now comes from a DOS app. and the file format of the
> tables is dbase 4; so, can i import these tables directly into
> postgres tables automatically?
> Are there some kind of utility?

No, unfortunately.  You have two possible methods:

1. Dump the Dbase4 (using the original application) data into a
delimited text file, and then use COPY to load it into Postgres.

2. Use ODBC (or UnixODBC) and an external language (like Java, Perl, or
Python) or database tool (like MS Access, Kylix, or Rekall) to pull data
out of DBase4 and pump it into Postgres.

Good luck!


______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
                                       Josh Berkus
  Complete information technology
   and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293
  for law firms, small businesses        fax 621-2533
    and non-profit organizations.      San Francisco

Re: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

Vijay Deval

I have imported dBASEIV  tables into Postgresql. I exported the tables
from dBASEIV as delimited text files and then copied in Postgresql. In
some table I needed to drop a field that was to become sequence in
Postgresql. Using gawk script I removed the column, converted the
records into sql insert query and let Postgresql assign sequential
numbers. Used gawk script once again. Now all new records get numbered
automatically. If you are interested, I could send to you gawk and "C"
scripts that I used .

"Fernando M. Maresca" wrote:
> Hi!
> i working around an application with Postgres as DB server, but the
> data for now comes from a DOS app. and the file format of the
> tables is dbase 4; so, can i import these tables directly into
> postgres tables automatically?
> Are there some kind of utility?
> thanks

Re: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

"Josh Berkus"

> I have imported dBASEIV  tables into Postgresql. I exported the
> tables
> from dBASEIV as delimited text files and then copied in Postgresql.
> In
> some table I needed to drop a field that was to become sequence in
> Postgresql. Using gawk script I removed the column, converted the
> records into sql insert query and let Postgresql assign sequential
> numbers. Used gawk script once again. Now all new records get
> numbered
> automatically. If you are interested, I could send to you gawk and
> "C"
> scripts that I used .

Us folks in the PostgreSQL community would really, really appreciate it
if you put together all of the above as a text or HTML document, and
then submitted it to:
Know-how like yours is exactly what we need on the site!

______AGLIO DATABASE SOLUTIONS___________________________
                                       Josh Berkus
  Complete information technology
   and data management solutions       (415) 565-7293
  for law firms, small businesses        fax 621-2533
    and non-profit organizations.      San Francisco

phpPgAdmin Security hole

Frank Hilliard
I've just discovered that password protection for phpPgAdmin may not be
functioning if the postgres config file isn't set to require passwords.
It's sure easy to check, just type in postgres as a username and  a
bogus password and it still works! The quick, but dirty, fix is to
change the default directory to some other name.

Frank Hilliard

Re: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

Vijay Deval

I was thrilled to receive your mail. I will get busy putting things
together and submit to techdocs as soon as possible.


Josh Berkus wrote:
> Vijay,

> Us folks in the PostgreSQL community would really, really appreciate it
> if you put together all of the above as a text or HTML document, and
> then submitted it to:
> Know-how like yours is exactly what we need on the site!
> -Josh

Re: Import DB from DOS- dbase4

Frank Bax
At 06:50 PM 12/15/01 -0300, Fernando M. Maresca wrote:
>i working around an application with Postgres as DB server, but the
>data for now comes from a DOS app. and the file format of the
>tables is dbase 4; so, can i import these tables directly into
>postgres tables automatically?  Are there some kind of utility?

Conversion of data from xBase to PostgreSQL is (almost) trivial.

Just install DBI, DBD:Pg and DBD:xBase, and write a little read/write routine.
*DBD::XBase supports many dBase variants.
*I can't seem to find DBD:Pg at CPAN today??
The "dbfdump" utility (to get DBF header info) is included in DBD:XBase.
Just ftp all your dbase files into a single directory ($dir below).

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use File::Basename;             # for basename() function
use DBI;  use DBD::XBase;  use DBD::Pg;
my $dir = '/home/fbax/DBFCONV';
my $dbf = DBI->connect("dbi:XBase:$dir", {RaiseError => 1} );
my $dbp = DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:dbname=fbax", "fbax", "", {RaiseError => 1} );
while (my $fname = <$dir/*.DBF>) {
  &DBF2PG ($dbf, $dbp, $fname, basename(substr($fname, 0, length($fname)-4)));

sub DBF2PG {
  (my $dbf, my $dbp, my $fname, my $table) = @_;
  $table = lc("\"$table\"");
  print "$fname - $table\n";
  open (PIPE, "dbfdump --info $fname |") or die "Can't open $fname: $!";
  my $sql = "CREATE TABLE $table ";
  my $sep = "(";
  while( <PIPE> ) {
    if (/^[0-9]+\./) {          # line starts with number.
#     print "$_\n";
      my @stru = split;         # stru contains field,type,len,dec
      $sql .= $sep.' "'.lc($stru[1]).'"';
      if ($stru[2] eq 'D') {
        $sql .= " date";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'L') {
        $sql .= " boolean";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'M') {
        $sql .= " text";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'G') {
        $sql .= " text";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'C' && $stru[3] eq 1) {
        $sql .= " char";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'C') {
        $sql .= " varchar($stru[3])";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'N' && $stru[4] eq 0 && $stru[3] < 5) {
        $sql .= " int2";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'N' && $stru[4] eq 0 && $stru[3] < 10) {
        $sql .= " int4";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'N' && $stru[4] eq 0) {
        $sql .= " int8";
      } elsif ($stru[2] eq 'N') {
        $sql .= " numeric($stru[3],$stru[4])";
      } else {
        $sql .= " $stru[2].$stru[3].$stru[4]";
      $sep = ',';
  close (PIPE);
  $sql .= ' );';
  $dbp->{RaiseError} = 0;
  $dbp->do( "DROP TABLE $table" );
  $dbp->{RaiseError} = 1;
  $dbp->do( $sql );

  my $sth = $dbf->prepare(" SELECT * FROM ".basename($fname) );
  while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES ";
    $sep = "(";
    foreach my $fld (@row) {
      $sql .= "$sep ".$dbp->quote($fld);
      $sep = ",";
    $sql .= ' );';
    $dbp->do( $sql );

Given 3 tables:
Table Operations(Op)
Op_ID, Op_Name,...


Table TravelerHEADER(TravH)
TravH_ID, TravName, Part_ID,...


Table TravelerDETAIL(TravD)
TravD_ID, TravH_ID, Op_ID, TravOrder,...

How can I retrieve the OP RecordSet
associated with the subset of TravD records
given a single TravH_ID?

That is to say:
There are a finite set of travd records that relate to a singular travh record... for each of those travd records I
wantthe related Op record. 

Stumped again,