Thread: Difference to Oracle? Need help with Advocacy.

Difference to Oracle? Need help with Advocacy.

Francisco Reyes
I have been doing some work with PostgreSQL at the office. I talked to my
boss since the start of my experiments.

Recently I started to do some real work with much success (mostly some
reports). Today my boss asked me to show him what I had done and he will
also look for himself.

I don't think I can convince him to drop Oracle, and I don't really think
that we have to, but I am trying to convince him to use PostgreSQL
for running a set of our reports.

The search at the site is not working so I can't research the archives. didn't help much either.

Some of his concerns which I would like to addres are:
-Speed. How does PostgreSQL compare to Oracle on speed.
-Compatibility. I don't care much about Oracle, but the concern may be how
"SQL" complaint is PostgreSQL.
-How compatible is PostgreSQL's PL/SQL to Oracles'?
-Foxpro connectivity via ODBC. This is one that I really wanted to search
on the archives. Is it possible to connect Visual Foxpro 6 to PostgreSQL?

Any URL's that may be of help would be appreciated.
I found the "Postgresql at a glance" page which is hepfull and will print
it for my boss.