I'm sure this is going to bore the pants off anyone unfortunate enough
to read it but, here goes.
I'm running postgresql 7.1.3 under Win2000 as part of the cygwin
install. I've configured it and it works fine...
However, I'm trying to export a schema from Access to PG.
-I've downloaded the driver and successfully installed it.
-I've set up a user (not system, does that matter?) DSN called
PostgreSQL configured for my database/user.
-I've followed the instructions in the distro doco about Configuration
Files for ODBC (section 7.3) and configured
the .odbc.ini.
- I HAVEN'T touched pg_hba.conf nor postgresql.conf
- I've followed the article:
by Damond Walker.
- I'm running ipc-daemon.exe.
- I've kicked off postmaster too (and setup PGPORT=5000).
Here it is (I'm not sure about the Driver nor the InstallDir bit, they
seem dodgy):
[ODBC Data Sources]
SchmickDev = Read/Write Database
Servername = localhost
Database = schmick_dev_db
Port = 5000
Username = testUser
Driver = /windows/system32/psqlodbc.dll
InstallDir = /windows/system32
Anyway, it don't work - I always encounter "ODBC call failed" and then
"Could not connect to server" "Could not connect to remote socket (#101)".
Can someone tell me, not too harshly, what the hell else I need to do?