Thread: Problem with WHERE statement

Problem with WHERE statement

"Mark G. Franz"
I am trying to retrieve DISTINCT records from a joined table set.  Here is a basic table layout;
Registration Table-
ID | Cost | Date
1  | 6.95  | 6/30/01
1  | 0.00  | 6/30/01
2  | 2.95  | 6/31/01
2  | 0.00  | 6/31/01
Customer Table-
ID | Name | Company
1  | Fred   | XYZ
2  | Tom   | ABC
My query string;
"SELECT DISTINCT Registration.ID, Registration.Cost, Customer.ID, Customer.Name, Customer.Company FROM Registration, Customer WHERE Customer.ID=Registration.ID AND Registration.Cost > 0.00"
This always returns every record that matches ID, I only want to return the record where the Cost is a true value.  Any ideas?