Thread: selecting a column average into table

selecting a column average into table

"Shawhan, Douglas (GEAE, GECC)"

I wish to select the average of a column populated with integers into a

I have established in my mind that:

select avg(nebbish.numbers) into shebang from numbers ;

ain't going to cut it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Re: selecting a column average into table

"James McMurry"
This should work:

-- don't have to create the table if you already have one.
create table foo (
    answer float;

insert into foo (answer) select avg(numbers) from nebbish;


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawhan, Douglas (GEAE, GECC)" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:19 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] selecting a column average into table

> Weeeellll...
> I wish to select the average of a column populated with integers into a
> table
> I have established in my mind that:
> select avg(nebbish.numbers) into shebang from numbers ;
> ain't going to cut it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> d
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