Thread: Again: How do I select primary/foreign keys?

Again: How do I select primary/foreign keys?

Hi again and sorry for the overhead,

it seems I didn't express myself 100% clearly. I need a SELECT statement
that will give me, for a given table (pg_class.relname='...'), the name of
the column (pg_attribute.attname) that contains the primary key (if any),
and the names of the columns that contain foreign keys.

I can't seem to get there quite yet.

ffrt (pgp public key on simple request)
Key fingerprint: FE F8 D4 63 A5 93 98 80  AC 7F 95 C1 85 6E 39 53

Re: Again: How do I select primary/foreign keys?

Chris Smith

The pg_indexes view might give you a starting point, also the pg_tables
view. You can see what they do, and take it from there.


>Hi again and sorry for the overhead,
>it seems I didn't express myself 100% clearly. I need a SELECT statement
>that will give me, for a given table (pg_class.relname='...'), the name of
>the column (pg_attribute.attname) that contains the primary key (if any),
>and the names of the columns that contain foreign keys.
>I can't seem to get there quite yet.

      Chris Smith