Thread: Linking postgres databases

Linking postgres databases

"Ken Laws"
Is there any way that a query in postgres database, db1, can access data
from a table in a second postgres database, db2. Alternatively, can a view
be created in db1 that is sourced from a table in db2.

Reason: Db2 could be a corporated reference database that is used by all
other corporate systems. Rather than having many copies of reference tables,
it would be nice if there was only one version of such tables.


Ken Laws

Re: Linking postgres databases

"Brett W. McCoy"
On Mon, 14 May 2001, Ken Laws wrote:

> Is there any way that a query in postgres database, db1, can access data
> from a table in a second postgres database, db2. Alternatively, can a view
> be created in db1 that is sourced from a table in db2.

No.  Support for multiple schemas is planned in a future release, AFAIK.

-- Brett
Classical music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune.
        -- Kin Hubbard, "Abe Martin's Sayings"