Thread: Postgres installataion in SUSE 7.0, lacking dirs i ~postgres/data

Postgres installataion in SUSE 7.0, lacking dirs i ~postgres/data

Lars Forseth
My first posting seems to get no response, but I have been researching my
problem a little more. This evening I cleaned out all postgres related stuff,
and reinstalled, using yast1. From the /var/log/postgres file I can read this

"No data directory -- can't proceed.
/usr/bin/postmaster does not find the database system.  Expected to find it
in the PGDATA directory "~postgres/data", but unable
to open file with pathname "~postgres/data/base/template1/pg_class".

No data directory -- can't proceed."

Looking into this dir I get this:

"larsf@Yoda:~ > cd ~postgres/data
larsf@Yoda:/var/lib/pgsql/data > ls -al
total 12
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root         4096 Mar 20 19:56 .
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root         4096 Mar 20 19:56 ..
-rwx---rw-   1 postgres daemon         27 Aug  6  2000 pg_options
larsf@Yoda:/var/lib/pgsql/data >"

Looking for pg_class results in this:

"larsf@Yoda:/var/log > locate pg_class

So it seems I'm lacking some dirs and files, presumably SUSEconfig has failed
in building the template1 standard database and database dir during install
of the RPM's; why?

What to do? Could somebody supply a stock data dir so I could copy it into
this dir, and get postgres up and running?

Regards, LarsF

Lars Forseth
MS WIN > /dev/null
TUX rules

Re: Postgres installataion in SUSE 7.0, lacking dirs i ~postgres/data

Tom Lane
Lars Forseth <> writes:
> /usr/bin/postmaster does not find the database system.  Expected to find it
> in the PGDATA directory "~postgres/data", but unable
> to open file with pathname "~postgres/data/base/template1/pg_class".

Looks to me like you're launching postmaster from a plain Bourne shell
that doesn't know the shorthand ~user for user's home directory.  Try
spelling out the exact path name in the invocation script.

            regards, tom lane

Creating tables with Cold Fusion

Frank Hilliard
I just wondered how widely known it is that you can create tables and alter
tables inside Cold Fusion CFQUERY tags? I just found this out and it's proving
extremely useful for remote control of a database at an ISP.

Frank Hilliard

RE: Creating tables with Cold Fusion

"Chuck Kimber"
ColdFusion is very powerful, and of course CFQUERY will work.  You should be
able to run any SQL that the database server will understand through it.
Including CREATE TABLE and MODIFY TABLE SQL statements.  But I don't think
it's as easy to use as some other things.  In order to run a cfquery, you
have to connect to the server somehow to create a cfm page that contains a
cfquery.  Then once you create it, you have to save it and then go to your
browser to request the cfm page from the server to run it and see the
results.  For me, it is just as easy to connect to the server via ssh, or
telnet, or through any other means and just simply run psql.  Then I can
just create queries on the fly and see their results immediately.  Then once
I have my query perfected, I'll write it to a cfm page for my ColdFusion
application to use.

Chuck Kimber

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Frank Hilliard
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 5:52 AM
To: PostGreSQL Novice List
Subject: [NOVICE] Creating tables with Cold Fusion

I just wondered how widely known it is that you can create tables and alter
tables inside Cold Fusion CFQUERY tags? I just found this out and it's
extremely useful for remote control of a database at an ISP.

Frank Hilliard

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