Thread: Seeking dbf to sql code

Seeking dbf to sql code

Francisco Reyes
At there is an entry for a program dbf2sql. However trying
to go to the homepage times out. Any ideas where I could get such a

I also saw the dbf2pgsql, but the program seemed to need too many
dependencies to run and I thought it would be more trouble that it is
worth.  I am almost up to the point that I am going to do some Xbase code
to do it. After all many of use who use dbf is because we have some form
of xbase program.

sequence/serial types

Salvatore Sferrazza
I downloaded and installed the PostgreSQL 6.0 binaries for Solaris x86.  the
installation went fine, as did the subsequent database and table creations.
however, psql complains when i try to use CREATE SEQUENCE or SERIAL.  does
6.0 support SEQUENCE types?  which version was it introduced?  i would like
to use a later version of Postgres, but last time i tried to build the
latest version on my box (SunOS brooklyn 5.8 Generic i86pc i386 i86pc) it
wouldn't build.

Thanks in advance,
