Thread: starting postmaster
Good Afternoon, I installed postgresql this morning and appears to have installed ok. created a user postgres. used the commands from the INSTALL and they failed. Changed to /usr/local/pgsql/bin postmaster appears aas a symbolic link that dosen't work tried postgres and got the "correct" error tried scripting the session but denied! (root isn't allowed to start the postmaster sono point trying) tried postgres -D /user/local/pgsql/data and got DEBUG: Data Base System is starting up at Mon Jan 15 13:17:30 2001 FATAL 2: Open("/usr/local/pgsql/data//pg_control") failed: 2 FATAL 2: Open("/usr/local/pgsql/data//pg_control") failed: 2 then tried nohup postgres -D /user/local/pgsql/data </dev/null >>server.log 2>>1 & postgres does not know where to find the database system data. You must specify the directory that contains the database system either by specifying the -D invocation option or by setting the PGDATA environment variable. Help would be appreciated! Thanks Ashley
ashley <> writes: > postmaster appears aas a symbolic link that dosen't work Why not? It's important to have a working postmaster link, so you can't just blow this off. > then tried > nohup postgres -D /user/local/pgsql/data </dev/null >>server.log 2>>1 & > postgres does not know where to find the database system data. You can't just substitute postgres for postmaster --- yes, they're the same executable, but the behavior is different depending on which name you invoke it by. You do need a working postmaster link. regards, tom lane