Thread: change column after creation?

change column after creation?

"James M . Burton"
is it possible to change or alter a column after it is created?

i created a column that i set at 50 characters and would like to change that to a higher number.

is there some way of doing that?  i only ever come across "alter column" in the todo lists for postgresql but have not
comeacross a syntax example in normal docs. 

James M. Burton
voice:  306.569.7790
fax:  306.949.0430

Re: change column after creation?

Hello Mr. Burton,

I am fairly sure that the only column altering operations that Postgres
currently supports are changing the name and the default value.  (look under
alter table in the docs)

David Boerwinkle

-----Original Message-----
From: James M . Burton <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 7:27 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] change column after creation?

>is it possible to change or alter a column after it is created?
>i created a column that i set at 50 characters and would like to change
that to a higher number.
>is there some way of doing that?  i only ever come across "alter column" in
the todo lists for postgresql but have not come across a syntax example in
normal docs.
>James M. Burton
>voice:  306.569.7790
>fax:  306.949.0430