Hi Gomathi,
I could be wrong . . . But I am pretty sure you are going to have to do
programmatically. PHP is what we use for things like this.
David Boerwinkle
-----Original Message-----
From: gomathir <gomathir@technauts.com>
To: pgsql-novice@postgresql.org <pgsql-novice@postgresql.org>
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 2:56 PM
Subject: [NOVICE] Suggest a query
>Hi friends,
>I have a table in my postgre data base. In that table I have a field
>called folder_name whose value will be full path of the mailbox . For
>example /gomathi/ax/ay/mbox is the value of folder_name,
>where mbox is the mail box. I want to find out all the mail boxes
>whose parent is mbox.
>Actually I can try as
>Select folder_name from mail_box where folder_name like 'mbox/%' ;
>but I should not hard code the folder_name as given above after
>'like'. SInce folder_name comes as a parameter to the program the
>value cannot be hardcoded.
>Please suggest an alternative way to find out the sub folders of folder