Thread: Lowercase


Michael Knigge
Hi all,

I've a Database named "Data", a Table named "Customers". When I
issue a

SELECT * FROM Customers

I get the message "table customers not found" (or similar).
BTW, I use ODBC from Windows NT.

How can I tell Postrgres NOT to convert my Table, Column
and Databasenames to lowercase?

Thank you very much,

Re: Lowercase

Martijn van Oosterhout
Michael Knigge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've a Database named "Data", a Table named "Customers". When I
> issue a
> SELECT * FROM Customers
> I get the message "table customers not found" (or similar).
> BTW, I use ODBC from Windows NT.
> How can I tell Postrgres NOT to convert my Table, Column
> and Databasenames to lowercase?

Interesting. AFAIK postgres is case-insensetive. At least here
"select * from tablename", "SELECT * from TABLENAME" and
"SeLeCt * FrOm TaBlEnAmE" do exactly the same thing...

Hope this helps...

Martijn van Oosterhout <>