Thread: PostgreSQL maestro for financial institution in Stockholm, Sweden

PostgreSQL maestro for financial institution in Stockholm, Sweden

Claes Jakobsson
If you like the relational model, stored procedures, complex queries and financial systems then we might have a
positionfor you. If you also love PostgreSQL then you are definitely the kind of person we're looking for. 

We're a young payment service provider offering a revolutionary payment solution to our clients in eight countries.
We'rein a fast expanding phase, have good profitability, money in the bank, a strong board and a unique product. 

You'll be working with for example currency exchange systems, new debit modules for transaction fees, smart balancing
algorithmsas well as modeling and developing new services.  

You who apply for this position is expected to be very experienced in database development and as we're heavy users of
storedprocedures you must be well versed in PL/pgsql and preferably PL/perl as well. 

We would like you to be able to show us sample code you've written and if you're active in the open source community
that'sa big plus. 

The position offers great professional and personal development and you'll be working with very interesting projects.
Thecollective level of technical competence in the company is excellent and many of our developers are active in open
sourcewith submissions to CPAN and cURL for example. We're located near Stureplan, Stockholm's downtown financial
district,and are at the moment 15 employees of which 6 are tech people, among them the founders of the company. 

This is a permanent position on-site. Knowledge of swedish is not required altho we'd like you to learn it eventually.
Goodcommunication skills in english is a must. 

For questions or to apply contact We would like your application to include resume, personal
letterand other relevant information such as contributions to PostgreSQL or other open source projects. 

Looking forward to hear from you

Claes Jakobsson, Glue Finance AB

Claes Jakobsson
Glue Finance


Postal address:
Glue Finance AB
Box  549
114 11  Stockholm

Visiting address:
Glue Finance AB
Birger Jarlsgatan 14
114 11 Stockholm