Thread: sql5.17.3.pdf


Стахов Дмитрий
Current version 5.17.3 is available on

Slide "Combined key" [...references tab(pk1,pk2) ] is appended in place #46.
Slide "Kaments" is removed.
Slide "Possible values of BLOB-field" is removed.

Some comments are appended:
 on slide "Selecting BLOB" (now #16),
 on slide "BLOB as array of bytes: Reget" (is also moved to place #17, and is renamed to "Traffic for function
 on slide "Selection into LAN & WAN" (now #21),
 on slides of section "Compositions of determinations, compositions of refinements" (now #38-45),
 on slide "Auto-inserting BLOB" (now #79),
 on slide "I.e. stream via table" (now #95),
 on slide "First item of input and output" (is also moved to place #102, and is renamed to "Upgrading
Slide "Session & NID" is splited into slides (now) #115 and #135,
 some clarifing words appended to both of them.
Some changes (removal "./" in value of attribute) in slide "Select URL,that client itself downloads" (now #158).

Slide "Constant as section" (#31) is edited
 (construction "select <t>.<u>.@b1" is removed, this case is described by slide "Selecting field as element" #66).
Baribute "xml:size" is turned into "size", phrase "LAN or WAN" is turned into "LAN & WAN" on all slides.

 slide "XML terms" - to place #18,
 slide "Cartesian product" - to place #65,
 slide "Supporting browser" - to place #66 (and is renamed to "Selecting field into element").
Links from-slide-to-slide are corrected.

Dmitry (SQL50, HTML60)