Thread: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

"Alexandre Brito"



We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner.

Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.


What is happening is simple:

1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle

2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.

3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught.


We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest)


I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds.


We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.


Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small.


This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) .


<Resource auth="Container"







   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"






This is my apps’s persistence.xml


<persistence xmlns:xsi=""


             version="2.0" xmlns="">

    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">




        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>



                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />

                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>





Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized


public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {



    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;



    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        try {

            try {

                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");

            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);



Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)?


Many thanks in advance for any reply




Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Dave Cramer
We don't see the connection timeout until the O/S times out which can be a while.

On 25 August 2016 at 07:22, Alexandre Brito <> wrote:



We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner.

Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.


What is happening is simple:

1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle

2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.

3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught.


We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest)


I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds.


We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.


Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small.


This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) .


<Resource auth="Container"







   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"






This is my apps’s persistence.xml


<persistence xmlns:xsi=""


             version="2.0" xmlns="">

    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">




        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>



                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />

                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>





Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized


public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {



    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;



    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        try {

            try {

                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");

            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);



Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)?


Many thanks in advance for any reply



Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Dave Cramer
We don't see the connection timeout until the O/S times out which can be a while.

On 25 August 2016 at 07:22, Alexandre Brito <> wrote:



We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner.

Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.


What is happening is simple:

1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle

2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.

3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught.


We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest)


I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds.


We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.


Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small.


This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) .


<Resource auth="Container"







   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"






This is my apps’s persistence.xml


<persistence xmlns:xsi=""


             version="2.0" xmlns="">

    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">




        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>



                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />

                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>





Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized


public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {



    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;



    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        try {

            try {

                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");

            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);



Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)?


Many thanks in advance for any reply



Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Jingzhi Zhang
In the log, there are only one [EL Warning], all other retries logging are [EL Info].
So it is EL controls the retries behavior(just as connection pool), not JDBC.

在 2016年8月25日,19:22,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner. 
Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.
What is happening is simple:
1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle
2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.
3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught. 
We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest) 
I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds. 
We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.
Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small. 
This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) . 
<Resource auth="Container"
   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"
This is my apps’s persistence.xml
             version="2.0" xmlns="">
    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>
                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />
                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>
Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized
public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {
    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        try {
            try {
                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);
Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)? 
Many thanks in advance for any reply
Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

"Alexandre Brito"



Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL?

Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at (which includes EL).





From: Jingzhi Zhang []
Sent: 30 August 2016 16:23
To: Alexandre Brito <>
Subject: Re: [JDBC] SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout


In the log, there are only one [EL Warning], all other retries logging are [EL Info].

So it is EL controls the retries behavior(just as connection pool), not JDBC.




2016825日,19:22Alexandre Brito <> 写道:




We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner. 

Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.


What is happening is simple:

1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle

2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.

3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught. 


We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest) 


I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds. 


We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.


Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small. 


This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) . 


<Resource auth="Container"







   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"






This is my apps’s persistence.xml


             version="2.0" xmlns="">

    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">




        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>



                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />

                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>





Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized


public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {



    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;



    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        try {

            try {

                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");

            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);



Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)? 


Many thanks in advance for any reply



Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:


Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Jingzhi Zhang
EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?

在 2016年8月30日,23:31,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 
Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Dave Cramer
It is not part of the driver...

On 30 August 2016 at 11:54, Jingzhi Zhang <> wrote:
EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?

在 2016年8月30日,23:31,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 
Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

"Alexandre Brito"



In that case the EL is shipped with tomcat 8 and apologies for assuming it was within the driver.

I’ll look at this from the EL implementation and try to figure it out.


Thank you for your support





From: [] On Behalf Of Dave Cramer
Sent: 30 August 2016 17:02
To: Jingzhi Zhang <>
Cc: Alexandre Brito <>; List <>
Subject: Re: [JDBC] SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout


It is not part of the driver...


On 30 August 2016 at 11:54, Jingzhi Zhang <> wrote:

EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?



2016830日,23:31Alexandre Brito <> 写道:




Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 

Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).



Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Jingzhi Zhang
In the log, there are only one [EL Warning], all other retries logging are [EL Info].
So it is EL controls the retries behavior(just as connection pool), not JDBC.

在 2016年8月25日,19:22,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner. 
Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.
What is happening is simple:
1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle
2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.
3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught. 
We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest) 
I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds. 
We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.
Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small. 
This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) . 
<Resource auth="Container"
   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"
This is my apps’s persistence.xml
             version="2.0" xmlns="">
    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>
        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>
                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />
                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>
Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized
public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {
    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;
    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
        try {
            try {
                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);
Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)? 
Many thanks in advance for any reply
Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

"Alexandre Brito"



Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL?

Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at (which includes EL).





From: Jingzhi Zhang []
Sent: 30 August 2016 16:23
To: Alexandre Brito <>
Subject: Re: [JDBC] SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout


In the log, there are only one [EL Warning], all other retries logging are [EL Info].

So it is EL controls the retries behavior(just as connection pool), not JDBC.




2016825日,19:22Alexandre Brito <> 写道:




We are facing a problem with the JBDC connection being drop silently and the driver is not throwing a SQL Exception in a timely manner. 

Going through the mailing-list and the internet, it seems the problem is not so rare however the solution is still out of my reach.


What is happening is simple:

1.       JDBC connection is open and then stays idle

2.       A network component (Fortinet)  beyond our control seems to be dropping idle TCP connections.

3.       Our webapp places a query and it takes 1min and 12 seconds (more or less) for the SQL Exception to be caught. 


We’ve reproduced the issue behaviour (on our environment ) by setting an iptables rule blocking port 5432 after the DB connection was successfully established. On the logs I can see the socket read (I think) timeout is around 12 seconds and then there are 6 retries 10 secs apart.  (see the extracted log file from tomcat attached with EL log to finest) 


I would like to have control over the number of retries and timeout. Basically, I would like the receive an SQL Connection Timeout Exception within 5-10 seconds. 


We are using tomcat 8 and latest JDCB driver (9.4.1209 JDBC42) and JPA.


Our schema is tiny and the data in it very very small. 


This is my tomcat’s context.xml (for troubleshooting proposes) . 


<Resource auth="Container"







   url="jdbc:postgresql:// connectionTimeout=2&amp;socketTimeout=2"






This is my apps’s persistence.xml


             version="2.0" xmlns="">

    <persistence-unit name="bp-persistence" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">




        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BusinessPartner</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Enterprise</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Property</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.LokiCookie</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Report</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.Languages</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.EmailTemplates</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.BpMutex</class>

        <class>com. all.onbbp.database.entities.UserSession</class>



                <property name="javax.persistence.validation.mode" value="AUTO" />

                <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>





Btw the, this is how the EntityManager is initialized


public class StartupListener implements ServletContextListener {



    private static EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory;



    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {

        try {

            try {

                entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("bp-persistence");

            } catch (Throwable ex) {

                throw new BPException(BPErrorCode.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_DB_ERROR);



Does anyone has an idea? Why does the connectionTimeout to the database take so long to return (more than 12 seconds)? 


Many thanks in advance for any reply



Sent via pgsql-jdbc mailing list (
To make changes to your subscription:


Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Jingzhi Zhang
EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?

在 2016年8月30日,23:31,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 
Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

Dave Cramer
It is not part of the driver...

On 30 August 2016 at 11:54, Jingzhi Zhang <> wrote:
EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?

在 2016年8月30日,23:31,Alexandre Brito <> 写道:

Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 
Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).

Re: SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout

"Alexandre Brito"



In that case the EL is shipped with tomcat 8 and apologies for assuming it was within the driver.

I’ll look at this from the EL implementation and try to figure it out.


Thank you for your support





From: [] On Behalf Of Dave Cramer
Sent: 30 August 2016 17:02
To: Jingzhi Zhang <>
Cc: Alexandre Brito <>; List <>
Subject: Re: [JDBC] SocketTimeout and ConnectionTimeout


It is not part of the driver...


On 30 August 2016 at 11:54, Jingzhi Zhang <> wrote:

EL is a ORM framework, not part of JDBC driver, right?



2016830日,23:31Alexandre Brito <> 写道:




Hm, ok. Do you know how to control the retries behaviour from the EL? 

Please bear in mind that we are using the latest JDBC driver available at includes EL).