Thread: Connection to PgSQL does not use SSL with JDBC driver 9.4 if the parameter is passed through Properties rather than URL



I found an issue with JDBC driver postgresql-9.4.1207.jre7 involving SSL connections.


First the context. In order to enforce TLSv1.2 connection, i extend the PostgreSQL driver in order to set properties by default :


public class SecurePostgresqlDriver extends Driver {


    public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {

        info.setProperty(PGProperty.SSL.getName(), "true");

        info.setProperty(PGProperty.SSL_FACTORY.getName(), SecurePostgresqlSocketFactory.class.getCanonicalName());

        return super.connect(url, info);




But this leads me to an exception:


org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "xxx", database "xxx", SSL off

                at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.doAuthentication(

                at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(

                at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection(

                at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.<init>(

                at org.postgresql.Driver.makeConnection(

                at org.postgresql.Driver.connect(

                at SecurePostgresqlDriver.connect(


For the note, using the default org.postgresql.Driver class and adding "?ssl=true&sslfactory=SecurePostgresqlSocketFactory" at the end of the URL works.


I did a little debbuging, and this is what i found.

-           org.postgresql.Driver.connect(String, Properties) calls the parseURL(String, Properties) method at line 264, which creates a new Properties instance with the paramater one as default (Driver :537)

-          This new instance overrides the original one on this same line. So from now on my SSL and SSL_FACTORY are default properties of the current one. If the parameters were passed through URL, they would be actual properties rather than default ones.

-          This instance is passed to the PgConnection, which passes it to the ConnectionFactory, which passes it to the ConnectionFactoryImpl.

-          org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl(HostSpec[], String, String, Properties, Logger) checks the SSL property at line 74 by calling PGProperty.isPresent(Properties)

-          org.postgresql.PGProperty.isPresent(Properties) calls the getSetString(Properties) method at line 468, but this method does not check default properties.

-          My SSL and SSL_FACTORY properties are ignored since they are default ones, and thus a non-SSL connection is opened.


Hence i have two questions :

-          Do SSL and SSL_FACTORY properties have to be passed through URL ?

-          If not, can you please patch this ? J


Best regards,

Matthieu SANCHEZ


This sounds like a bug.
Can you file a PR?

On 15/01/16 10:24, Vladimir Sitnikov wrote:
> Hi,
> This sounds like a bug.
> Can you file a PR?
> Vladimir
 Take a look at this PR [1]. It fixed a regression released in 1205 release.

 The PR solved the problem of API calls to Driver.setLogLevel(int) not
getting overwritten by a default value being loaded in PgConnection at
line 187 [2].

 It's good this has been raised though and a PR necessary to fix. The
change could go here [3] to adapt to the semantic change of isPresent
method. Now it does not fall back to the default.



I forgot the mailing in my answers to Vladimir.

I'm new to bug reporting and Github, so for the time being i can only file an issue:
