Thread: plpgsql function with RETURNS SETOF refcursor in JAVA

plpgsql function with RETURNS SETOF refcursor in JAVA

"Corradini, Carlos"

Dear Gurus :


                First let me say hello from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I took this emails addresses from internet ( page )


                Now I will try to explain which is my problem ( excuse my poor level of English, please ). I have a Java application that must read a data provided by two ( 2 ) cursors returned by a function stored in a database. I know to retrieve data if the function have one ( 1 ) cursor, but with two I can’t. I will very pleased if any of you, in your free time of course, can explain me how, inside the java program, after connecting via jdbc to the database, I extract the data returned by the second cursor.


                Many thanks ( muchas gracias ) and I wait for yours replies as soon as you can.