Thread: Re: [pgjdbc] chore: migrate the build to Maven (#322)

Re: [pgjdbc] chore: migrate the build to Maven (#322)

"Markus KARG"

I need to correct you here. Maven is pretty happy with any number of artifacts per POM. All you need to do is to use the assembly plugin to supply a description of the content and name of each, and the plugin will care for packaging and deploying these.



From: Stephen Nelson []
Sent: Dienstag, 25. August 2015 21:08
To: pgjdbc/pgjdbc
Cc: Markus KARG
Subject: Re: [pgjdbc] chore: migrate the build to Maven (#322)


@sehrope Ok I'll try that. If not we might need to go with multiple artifacts and as Maven expects one per pom.xml that would mean 3 poms which doesn't feel optimal.

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