Thread: Best practices and utilities to parse the PGObject value

Best practices and utilities to parse the PGObject value

M Oznerol

If I read correctly from some forum posts and postgresql JDBC source code, it seems that there is no support in 9.1 for a UDT to java object mapping. From what I've seen, the jdbc driver returns a PGObject and my application will need to parse the string returned by PGObject.getValue().

I am wondering if there is already such a parser in the private APIs and if it could be made it into the public APIs list ?

Would it be possible to add the array delimiters '{' and '}' to the PGtokenizer when evaluating nesting ?

Is there a utility to "peel away" one layer of escaping from a string ? For example it seems that an array of bytea doubles the quotes and backslashes: a bytea in a PGObject is represented as 
while an array of bytea is represented as

My goal is to properly handle nested UDTs.

Is TimestampUtils the right class to parse dates and times within PGObjects ?

Are the standard java classes (Short, Integer, Long, Float, and Double) sufficient to parse numbers within a PGObject ?

Finally, much like it is possible to read an array using an inner ResultSet (two columns, the first being the index and the second being the value), is there a similar way to read a PGObject that I have completely missed ?

Thanks for your time.