Thread: Memory leak ?

Memory leak ?

Pierre Le Mouëllic
<font face="Xerox Sans">With this code :<br /></font> <pre>public class TestJDBC {
   private static Timer timer;
   private static Connection connDB;   private static PreparedStatement sQLStatement;
   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
       connexion("jdbc:postgresql://praslin.qual.dc1:5432/G01DPM", "postgres8", "password");              timer = new
Timer();      timer.schedule(new local_task(), 1000L, 1000);       }
   static class local_task extends TimerTask {
       public void run() {           ResultSet rs=null;           try {               sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602);
         rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();               sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604);               rs =
sQLStatement.executeQuery();              sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2605);               rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
         } catch (SQLException e) {           }           finally{
               try {                   if(rs!=null)                       rs.close();               } catch
(SQLExceptione) {               }               rollBack();           }       }   }
   public static void connexion(String chemin, String user, String password) throws SQLException,
ClassNotFoundException  {       Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");       String url =
       //    Connexion       connDB = DriverManager.getConnection(url);       connDB.setAutoCommit(false);
initPreparedStatement();  }
   private static void initPreparedStatement() throws SQLException   {       sQLStatement =
connDB.prepareStatement("selectf_transite(?,'FPL','225',9,'test','','')");   }
   public static void rollBack()   {       try       {           connDB.rollback();       }       catch(SQLException
ex)      {       }   }
}</pre> In eclipse Helios profiler, Jdbc3ResultSet live instances increase (and never decrease). Same thing with
org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$ErrorTrackingResultHandlerand org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$1
classes.<br/><br /> f_transite stored procedure make some select, insert and update. If you need more explanation, i
cangive it to you.<br /><br /> Java 6<br /> postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar<br /> PostgreSQL 8.2.5 on
powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0,compiled by GCC powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build
5363)<br/><br /> Is it a memory leak ? Or my java code is wrong ?<br /><br /><div class="moz-signature"><font
color="#000080"face="Arial" size="2"><b>Pierre LE MOUËLLIC<br /></b></font><font color="#000080" face="Arial"
size="1"><br/></font> <a href="" moz-do-not-send="true"><font color="blue"
size="1"><u></u></font></a><br/><a href=""
moz-do-not-send="true"><fontcolor="blue" size="1"><u></u></font></a></div> 

Re: Memory leak ?

Dave Cramer
The garbage collector should be collecting those, so I would guess the
driver is holding a reference internally to the result set.

Dave Cramer


2011/4/6 Pierre Le Mouëllic <>:
> With this code :
> public class TestJDBC {
>     private static Timer timer;
>     private static Connection connDB;
>     private static PreparedStatement sQLStatement;
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException,
> ClassNotFoundException {
>         connexion("jdbc:postgresql://praslin.qual.dc1:5432/G01DPM",
> "postgres8", "password");
>         timer = new Timer();
>         timer.schedule(new local_task(), 1000L, 1000);
>     }
>     static class local_task extends TimerTask {
>         public void run() {
>             ResultSet rs=null;
>             try {
>                 sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602);
>                 rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
>                 sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604);
>                 rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
>                 sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2605);
>                 rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
>             } catch (SQLException e) {
>             }
>             finally{
>                 try {
>                     if(rs!=null)
>                         rs.close();
>                 } catch (SQLException e) {
>                 }
>                 rollBack();
>             }
>         }
>     }
>     public static void connexion(String chemin, String user, String
> password) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
>     {
>         Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>         String url = chemin+"?user="+user+"&password="+password;
>         //    Connexion
>         connDB = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
>         connDB.setAutoCommit(false);
>         initPreparedStatement();
>     }
>     private static void initPreparedStatement() throws SQLException
>     {
>         sQLStatement = connDB.prepareStatement("select
> f_transite(?,'FPL','225',9,'test','','')");
>     }
>     public static void rollBack()
>     {
>         try
>         {
>             connDB.rollback();
>         }
>         catch(SQLException ex)
>         {
>         }
>     }
> }
> In eclipse Helios profiler, Jdbc3ResultSet live instances increase (and
> never decrease). Same thing with
> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$ErrorTrackingResultHandler and
> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$1 classes.
> f_transite stored procedure make some select, insert and update. If you need
> more explanation, i can give it to you.
> Java 6
> postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar
> PostgreSQL 8.2.5 on powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0, compiled by GCC
> powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build
> 5363)
> Is it a memory leak ? Or my java code is wrong ?

Re: Memory leak ?

Mikko Tiihonen
On 06/04/11 13:11, Pierre Le Mouëllic wrote:
> With this code :
> public class TestJDBC {
>      private static Timer timer;
>      private static Connection connDB;
>      private static PreparedStatement sQLStatement;
>      public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
>          connexion("jdbc:postgresql://praslin.qual.dc1:5432/G01DPM","postgres8","password");
>          timer = new Timer();
>          timer.schedule(new local_task(), 1000L, 1000);
>      }
>      static class local_task extends TimerTask {
>          public void run() {
>              ResultSet rs=null;
>              try {
>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602);
>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();


>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604);
>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();


>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2605);
>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
>              } catch (SQLException e) {
>              }
>              finally{
>                  try {
>                      if(rs!=null)
>                          rs.close();
>                  } catch (SQLException e) {
>                  }
>                  rollBack();
>              }
>          }
>      }
>      public static void connexion(String chemin, String user, String password) throws SQLException,
>      {
>          Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>          String url = chemin+"?user="+user+"&password="+password;
>          //    Connexion
>          connDB = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
>          connDB.setAutoCommit(false);
>          initPreparedStatement();
>      }
>      private static void initPreparedStatement() throws SQLException
>      {
>          sQLStatement = connDB.prepareStatement("select f_transite(?,'FPL','225',9,'test','','')");
>      }
>      public static void rollBack()
>      {
>          try
>          {
>              connDB.rollback();
>          }
>          catch(SQLException ex)
>          {
>          }
>      }
> }
> In eclipse Helios profiler, Jdbc3ResultSet live instances increase (and never decrease). Same thing with
> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$ErrorTrackingResultHandler and org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$1
> f_transite stored procedure make some select, insert and update. If you need more explanation, i can give it to you.
> Java 6
> postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar
> PostgreSQL 8.2.5 on powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0, compiled by GCC powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple
Computer,Inc. build 5363) 
> Is it a memory leak ? Or my java code is wrong ?
> *
> _pierre.lemouellic@xgs-france.com_ <>
> __ <>

Re: Memory leak ?

Pierre Le Mouëllic
Same problem with adding rs.close() :<br /><br /> sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602);<br /> rs =
sQLStatement.executeQuery();<br/> rs.close();<br /><br /> sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604);<br /> rs =
sQLStatement.executeQuery();<br/> rs.close();<br /><br /> sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2605);<br /> rs =
sQLStatement.executeQuery();<br/> rs.close();<br /><br /><div class="moz-signature"><font color="#000080" face="Arial"
size="2"><b>PierreLE MOUËLLIC<br /><br /></b></font><a href=""
moz-do-not-send="true"><fontcolor="blue" size="1"><u></u></font></a></div><br /> Le 06/04/2011 12:30, Mikko Tiihonen a
écrit :<blockquote cite="" type="cite">On 06/04/11 13:11, Pierre Le Mouëllic
wrote:<br /><blockquote type="cite">With this code : <br /><br /> public class TestJDBC { <br /><br />      private
staticTimer timer; <br /><br />      private static Connection connDB; <br />      private static PreparedStatement
sQLStatement;<br /><br />      public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { <br
/><br/>          connexion("jdbc:postgresql://praslin.qual.dc1:5432/G01DPM","postgres8","password");<br /><br />
        timer = new Timer(); <br />          timer.schedule(new local_task(), 1000L, 1000); <br />      } <br /><br />
    static class local_task extends TimerTask { <br /><br />          public void run() { <br />              ResultSet
rs=null;<br />              try { <br />                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602); <br />                  rs =
sQLStatement.executeQuery();<br /></blockquote><br /> Missing <br /> rs.close(); <br /><br /><blockquote
type="cite">                sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604); <br />                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery(); <br
/></blockquote><br/> Missing <br /> rs.close(); <br /><br /><blockquote type="cite">                
sQLStatement.setInt(1,2605); <br />                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery(); <br />              } catch
(SQLExceptione) { <br />              } <br />              finally{ <br /><br />                  try { <br />
                    if(rs!=null) <br />                          rs.close(); <br />                  } catch
(SQLExceptione) { <br />                  } <br /></blockquote> > <br /><blockquote type="cite">                
rollBack();<br />              } <br />          } <br />      } <br /><br />      public static void connexion(String
chemin,String user, String password) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException <br />      { <br />         
Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");<br />          String url = chemin+"?user="+user+"&password="+password; <br
/><br/>          //    Connexion <br />          connDB = DriverManager.getConnection(url); <br />         
connDB.setAutoCommit(false);<br />          initPreparedStatement(); <br />      } <br /><br />      private static
voidinitPreparedStatement() throws SQLException <br />      { <br />          sQLStatement =
connDB.prepareStatement("selectf_transite(?,'FPL','225',9,'test','','')"); <br />      } <br /><br />      public
staticvoid rollBack() <br />      { <br /></blockquote> > <br /><blockquote type="cite">         try <br />         
{<br />              connDB.rollback(); <br />          } <br />          catch(SQLException ex) <br />          { <br
/>         } <br />      } <br /> } <br /><br /> In eclipse Helios profiler, Jdbc3ResultSet live instances increase
(andnever decrease). Same thing with <br /> org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$ErrorTrackingResultHandler and
org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl$1classes. <br /><br /> f_transite stored procedure make some select, insert
andupdate. If you need more explanation, i can give it to you. <br /><br /> Java 6 <br /> postgresql-9.0-801.jdbc3.jar
<br/> PostgreSQL 8.2.5 on powerpc-apple-darwin8.8.0, compiled by GCC powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple
Computer,Inc. build 5363) <br /><br /> Is it a memory leak ? Or my java code is wrong ? <br /><br /> *Pierre LE
MOUËLLIC<br /> * <br /> _pierre.lemouellic@xgs-france.com_ <a class="moz-txt-link-rfc2396E"
href=""><></a><br/> __ <a

Re: Memory leak ?

Mikko Tiihonen wrote:
> Pierre Le Mouëllic wrote:
>> With this code :
>> public class TestJDBC {
>>      private static Timer timer;
>>      private static Connection connDB;
>>      private static PreparedStatement sQLStatement;
>>      public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
>>          connexion("jdbc:postgresql://praslin.qual.dc1:5432/G01DPM","postgres8","password");
>>          timer = new Timer();
>>          timer.schedule(new local_task(), 1000L, 1000);
>>      }
>>      static class local_task extends TimerTask {
>>          public void run() {
>>              ResultSet rs=null;
>>              try {
>>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2602);
>>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();

> Missing
> rs.close();

Not needed.

 From <>:

"A ResultSet object is automatically closed when the Statement object that
generated it is closed, re-executed, or used to retrieve the next result from
a sequence of multiple results."

>>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2604);
>>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();

> Missing
> rs.close();


In fact, it's rather an antipattern to call 'ResultSet#close()' explicitly.

>>                  sQLStatement.setInt(1, 2605);
>>                  rs = sQLStatement.executeQuery();
>>              } catch (SQLException e) {
>>              }
>>              finally{
>>                  try {
>>                      if(rs!=null)
>>                          rs.close();

What's bizarre here is that we aren't closing the statement.

That's weird.

>>                  } catch (SQLException e) {
>>                  }
>>                  rollBack();
>>              }
>>          }
>>      }

Honi soit qui mal y pense.