<p>Hi all!<p>The PGXADataSource lacks the URL-property which makes it harder to switch between database-vendors using
XA-datasourcesusing a unified configuration like Spring where one can use property-replacement to switch URL, username
etc.based on properties in a property-file.<p>Are there any plans to add a URL-property to the PGXADataSource?<p><br
/><spanstyle="font-family: monospace; font-size: 10px;">--<br /> Andreas Joseph Krogh <andreak@officenet.no><br
/>Senior Software Developer / CTO<br /> ------------------------+---------------------------------------------+<br />
OfficeNetAS | The most difficult thing in the world is to |<br /> Rosenholmveien 25 | know how to do a
thingand to watch |<br /> 1414 Trollåsen | somebody else doing it wrong, without |<br /> NORWAY
| comment. |<br /> |
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