Thread: JDBC Commitfest/Reviewfest/Rehash of old issues

JDBC Commitfest/Reviewfest/Rehash of old issues

Kris Jurka
I know I've gotten behind on a lot of JDBC issues.  Patches I never looked
at, problems I promised to look into and never did, discussions that just
died off.  I've got some time at the end of this year to deal with many of
these items, so we'll have a JDBC Commitfest with the same goal of the
server team's fests, clearing out the backlog instead of letting them slip
through the cracks.

It will run 12/15 - 1/1.  So prior to 12/15, post anything that you think
should be dealt with.

If you have any patches, please resync them with CVS head and repost.

If you have old problems that went unsolved, send a link to the archives
and any new information you may have.

It's unlikely that I'm going to be able to commit/solve everything, but
we'll hopefully get things moving in the right direction.

Kris Jurka