Thread: Unable to connect postgreSQL 8.4 with java application.

Unable to connect postgreSQL 8.4 with java application.

Neha Mehta



I am a newbie to postgreSQL. I am trying to connect my java application(using jdbc) with postgreSQL 8.4 , but I am getting the following error :



FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres", database "ofbiz-test", SSL off


I tried adding the host name in pg_hba.conf file as :


host      all       all  trust


but when I restart the server, I get an error…


Could you please help to to find out the missing step.

Also, if there are any more instructions to be followed…


Is it necessary to use postgreSQL with SSL if my java application uses SSL??





Thanks & Regards,

Neha Mehta





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Re: Unable to connect postgreSQL 8.4 with java application.

>  Hi,
> I am a newbie to postgreSQL. I am trying to connect my java
> application(using jdbc) with postgreSQL 8.4 , but I am getting the
> following error :
> FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "postgres",
> database "ofbiz-test", SSL off
> I tried adding the host name in pg_hba.conf file as :
> host all all trust
> but when I restart the server, I get an error…

Looks like the address must be CIDR-Address, did you try:

host all all trust

> Is it necessary to use postgreSQL with SSL if my java application uses
> SSL??

Someone else here should be able to answer this.
