Thread: Re: [BUGS] BUG #5177: Concurrency problem in AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection

Re: [BUGS] BUG #5177: Concurrency problem in AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection

Kris Jurka

On Tue, 10 Nov 2009, Mauro Molinari wrote:

> Bug reference:      5177
> PostgreSQL version: 8.3.8
> Description:        Concurrency problem in AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection
> Details:
> Hello, we're using PostgreSQL JDBC3 driver 8.3-605 to connect to a 8.3.8
> Postgres instance. Our application has a JTA-XA transaction infrastructure
> managed by Spring and using JBoss Transactions as a JTA implementation.
> We're using a connection pool of our own to pool XA connections on top of
> which there's JBoss Transactions transactional driver that is managing
> connections. Our connection pool infrastructure creates a PGXADataSource
> from which it gets new XA connections.
> In this scenario, sometimes happens that the PostgreSQL driver fails with
> the following exception:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>  at
> org.postgresql.ds.jdbc23.AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection$
> voke(
>  at $Proxy5.close(Unknown Source)
>  at
> com.arjuna.ats.internal.jdbc.ConnectionImple.close(
> Looking at the JDBC driver source code, it seems a concurrency problem,
> because at row 304-305 the variable con is checked against null.
> What is actually happening here is that our code is closing a connection
> used to read some data from the DB. This read operation is executed outside
> any transaction, so JBoss Transactions is honouring the connection close
> request by first calling calling close on the XA connection (and this is
> causing the XA connection to be given back to our pool); after that, because
> of the actual JDBC connection reports false on isClosed(), JBoss
> Transactions is also calling close() on it too... and this generates the
> NullPointerException given above.
> Looking at the AbstractJdbc23PooledConnection it seems there's no
> synchronization at all between isClosed() and close(). My suspect is that in
> the previous scenario something like this happens:
> 1. thread 1: close() is invoked
> 2. thread 2: isClosed() returns false
> 3. thread 2: close() is invoked
> At operation 2., isClose returns false, while it should return true because
> a close request has already been made on thread 1. Anyway, there should be
> no problem at all to call close repeatedly on the same connection (as the
> JDBC contract states), so the NullPointerException should not happen in any
> case.

Attached is a test case which reproduces this problem easily.

> Thanks in advance and please let me know how I can monitor this bug report
> (is there any bug tracking system for PostgreSQL?).

There is no bug tracker for postgresql in general.  The JDBC driver does
have a bug tracker, but the mailing list is where most of the action

Kris Jurka
