Thread: Strings with Null Bytes Causing Exceptions

Strings with Null Bytes Causing Exceptions

Strings with null characters produce exceptions when selected or inserted. Attempts to select messages with null bytes
produces"ERROR: insufficient data left in message". And inserting produces "ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding

Since a null character is a valid UTF code point why is it rejected by the JDBC driver?

It can work with Mysql and their JDBC driver.

import java.sql.*;

public class TestStringsWithNullBytes {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String noNulls = "No null bytes";
    String nulls = "Null bytes \000\000";
    try {
      Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(
      Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(
      tryQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test");
      tryQuery(db, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test");
      tryQuery(db, "CREATE TABLE test (name TEXT)");
      tryQuery(db, "SELECT '" + noNulls + "'");
      tryQuery(db, "SELECT '" + nulls + "'");
      tryQuery(db, "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES('" + noNulls + "')");
      tryQuery(db, "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES('" + nulls + "')");
      tryPreparedQuery(db, "SELECT ?", noNulls);
      tryPreparedQuery(db, "SELECT ?", nulls);
      tryPreparedQuery(db, "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES(?)", noNulls);
      tryPreparedQuery(db, "INSERT INTO test (name) VALUES(?)", nulls);
      tryQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM test");
    catch(Exception e) {

  private static void tryQuery(Connection db, String query) {
    try {
      Statement s = db.createStatement();
      if (s.execute(query)) {
        ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet();
        while( {
          System.out.println(escape(query) + ": " + escape(rs.getString(1)));
    catch(Exception e) {
      System.err.println(escape(query) + ": " + e.getMessage());

  private static void tryPreparedQuery(Connection db, String query, String s) {
    try {
      PreparedStatement ps = db.prepareStatement(query);
      ps.setString(1, s);
      if (ps.execute()) {
        ResultSet rs = ps.getResultSet();
        while( {
          System.out.println(escape(query) + ": " + escape(rs.getString(1)));
    catch(Exception e) {
      System.err.println(escape(query) + ": " + e.getMessage());

  private static StringBuilder escape(String s) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
      if ((32 > (int)s.charAt(i)) || (126 < (int)s.charAt(i))) {
        sb.append("<" + (int)s.charAt(i) + ">");
      else {