Thread: JDBC driver class

JDBC driver class

"Jake Aderholdt"
Hi, I am not quite sure whether this is the proper place to pose this
question. But I hope I can get some help here.
This may be blindingly obvious to the developers. Yet its importance
is not diminished by its simplicty (To me at least).
I am using a Mac iMac 2GHz PowerPC G5 with 1.5 GB RAM running 10.4.10 OSX.
I am also using NeoOffice 2.1.
I am trying to convert an Excel file (created using Excel for mac) to
an odb file for use in NeoOffice's Database. The excel file contains
600+ names and adresses and information. Manual copying of this does
not sound appealing.
I am attempting to convert an Excel file to PostgreSQL/MySQL using
Database as a medium.
For Macs this requires the JDBC driver. I have downloaded the driver:
postgresql-8.2-507.jdbc3, added it to NeoOffice via preferences, java,
classpath, "add archive".
I then restarted NeoOffice, chose  "Connect to existing database", and
chose JDBC. The next dialog box asks me for the "Datasource URL" and
the "JDBC driver class".
My problem is that I do not know what either the "Datasource URL" or
the "JDBC driver class" is. How can I get this information and
consequently input the correct data to text box?
If I am asking the wrong people the wrong questions, please direct my
to someone better suited.
Thanks for you help

Re: JDBC driver class

"Albe Laurenz"
Jake Aderholdt wrote:
> For Macs this requires the JDBC driver. I have downloaded the driver:
> postgresql-8.2-507.jdbc3, added it to NeoOffice via preferences, java,
> classpath, "add archive".
> I then restarted NeoOffice, chose  "Connect to existing database", and
> chose JDBC. The next dialog box asks me for the "Datasource URL" and
> the "JDBC driver class".
> My problem is that I do not know what either the "Datasource URL" or
> the "JDBC driver class" is. How can I get this information and
> consequently input the correct data to text box?

The documentation can be found at

In Chapter 3 (Loading the Driver) you will find that the JDBC driver class is


In Chapter 3 (Connecting to the Database) you will find a description
of the JDBC URL and the various connection parameters.

Yours URL will probably look like


Laurenz Albe