Dear all,
We really need help of the power of PostGre's comunity...we want to conect ColdFusion7 to PostGre8.2 using JDBC4 drivers, but when we try conn
ect the CF to PG, a stupid message show up as follows:
Connection verification failed for data source: testjava.sql.SQLException: Timed out trying to establish connectionThe root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: Timed out trying to establish connectionWhat we need to do for discovery where is the source of this error? It would be an incompatibility between ColdFusion7 x PostGre8.2 x JDBC4 x Apache1.3 ???
Awaiting a reply...
Thanks and best regards,
Mateus Belluzzo
Center of Information Technology
Municipal City Hall of Telêmaco Borba, Brazil
Direct phone: +55 42 3271-1145
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