Thread: JDBC3 en applet

JDBC3 en applet

"Alexys Lozada Casallas"
Hi friends!, excuseme but i don't speak english, but i try.... i'm using Jdbc3PoolingDataSource for my connectionPool,
wheni use Jdbc in JFrame,  it's not problem, but when i use Jdbc in JApplet this show this message:
java.lang.NotClassDefFoundError. Can you help me? thanks.  
[Alexys Lozada Casallas]

Re: JDBC3 en applet

Dave Cramer

It's quite likely you left out the postgresql jar in the applet

On 27-Nov-06, at 6:36 PM, Alexys Lozada Casallas wrote:

> Hi friends!, excuseme but i don't speak english, but i try.... i'm
> using Jdbc3PoolingDataSource for my connectionPool, when i use Jdbc
> in JFrame,  it's not problem, but when i use Jdbc in JApplet this
> show this message:  java.lang.NotClassDefFoundError.  Can you help
> me? thanks.
> [Alexys Lozada Casallas]
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: JDBC3 en applet

"Alexys Lozada Casallas"

In html:
<applet code="MiProgram.class" archive="pgsql.8.1-4.jdbc3.jar" ....></applet>

with the attribute ARCHIVE the applet load the .jar

Thank's all
Thank, Dave


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