Thread: upgrade problem with driver postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar

upgrade problem with driver postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar

David Gagnon
Hi all,

 I'm running into this problem when upgrading my jdbc driver from
pg74.216.jdbc3.jar to postgresql-8.1-407.jdbc3.jar

I started having syntax error with the new driver and cannot find where
is the problem.
Here is the log:

2006-09-06 09:48:20 LOG:  statement: PREPARE <unnamed> AS           COPY
vd (VDVSSRC, VDVSNUM, VDKEY, VDDATA)         FROM $1     2006-09-06
09:48:20 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "$1" at character 66
2006-09-06 09:48:20 STATEMENT:            COPY vd (VDVSSRC, VDVSNUM,
VDKEY, VDDATA)         FROM $1
Here is the VARCHAR given for $1:

If I try the corresponding command in pgAdmin3 it works well...

Any idea what is the error?  Which I suspect is quite evident .. :-/

Thanks for the help!
Best Regards