Thread: JDK5 and TimeTest

JDK5 and TimeTest


The TimeTest (jdbc2) fails for the tests with timezone while running
the postgresql-jdbc tests using JDK5. This is using pgsql-jdbc version
8.0.311 and postgresql version 8.0.6.
I was wondering whether someone in the group has enountered the same
and if there is a fix. I am just beginning to debug this and I have a
feeling that it may be because the Calendar implementation JDK5 seems
very different. Any ideas?

Thanks very much!
SpikeSource Inc.

Where it fails (org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/
==> The time is set in testSetTime (this works):
        ps.setObject(1, "5:1:2-03", java.sql.Types.TIME);
        assertEquals(1, ps.executeUpdate());

        ps.setObject(1, "23:59:59+11", java.sql.Types.TIME);
        assertEquals(1, ps.executeUpdate());

==> in timeTest method, the above time is accessed and it fails:
        // If we're checking for timezones.
        if (testSetTime)
            t = rs.getTime(1);
            java.sql.Time tmpTime = java.sql.Time.valueOf("5:1:2");
            int localoffset =
                localoffset += 60 * 60 * 1000;
            int Timeoffset = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
            tmpTime.setTime(tmpTime.getTime() + Timeoffset +
tmpTime.getMinutes(), tmpTime.getSeconds()), t);  // <=== fails here


The error message is:
  expected:<00:01:02> but was:<05:01:02>
      junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<00:01:02> but
was:<05:01:02> at
      org.postgresql.test.jdbc2.TimeTest.timeTest( at


A simple Calendar code like this shows two different output under JDK
1.4 and JDK5:

import java.util.Calendar;

class TestCalendar {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();

(Execute it and look at the difference in the SimpleTimeZone object
within the Calendar object. They look entirely different).

Re: JDK5 and TimeTest

Kris Jurka

On Fri, 18 Aug 2006, Hari wrote:

> Hello,
> The TimeTest (jdbc2) fails for the tests with timezone while running
> the postgresql-jdbc tests using JDK5. This is using pgsql-jdbc version
> 8.0.311 and postgresql version 8.0.6.

I see no failure here with JDBC 8.0.317, server 8.0.8 and JDK 1.5.0_05.

> A simple Calendar code like this shows two different output under JDK
> 1.4 and JDK5:
>        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
>        System.out.println(c.toString());

I see identical results for my timezone (US/Pacific).  Perhaps this change
is specific to your zone (which you have not mentioned)?

Kris Jurka