Thread: Trouble with CallableStatement

Trouble with CallableStatement

"Michael Guyver"
Hi there,

I'm having trouble getting a CallableStatement to work with the
following function

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pro_register_cookie_for_user(
    prmUserId int8,
    prmSecureGuid varchar,
    OUT outUsernameHash varchar,
    OUT outMaxAge float4)
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

The function works fine over pgAdmin, so I think the problem lies in
the Java code.

callable = conn.prepareCall("{call pro_register_cookie_for_user(?, ?, ?, ?)}");

callable.setLong(1, playerId);
callable.setString(2, secureGuid);
callable.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);
callable.registerOutParameter(4, Types.FLOAT);


String usernameHash = callable.getString(3);
float maxAgeF = callable.getFloat(4);

When running this on Java 1.5, pgsql-jdbc 8.1.404 and Postgres 8.1, I
get the following error:

A CallableStatement function was executed and the return was of type
java.sql.Types=12 however type java.sql.Types=0 was registered.
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(

Can anyone shed some light on what I'm doing wrong?



Trouble with CallableStatement

"Michael Guyver"
Hi there,

Having followed Adam's advice and prevented the original error by
upgrading the Jar to
8.1-407, I now get a different exception. For the same function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pro_register_cookie_for_user(
   prmUserId int8,
   prmSecureGuid varchar,
   OUT outUsernameHash varchar,
   OUT outMaxAge float4)
AS $$
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

I now get the following error:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: No results were returned by the query.
        at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeQuery(

This is caused by the AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(int)
method returning false for any code path which satisfies the condition
(isFunction && returnTypeSet).

This appears to be at best mis-reported as I can clearly see the
results being read into the  abstractJdbc2Statement.callResult
instance variable.

Is this right?


Re: Trouble with CallableStatement

"Michael Guyver"
On 23/07/06, Michael Guyver <> wrote:
> This is caused by the AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(int)
> method returning false for any code path which satisfies the condition
> (isFunction && returnTypeSet).
> This appears to be at best mis-reported as I can clearly see the
> results being read into the  abstractJdbc2Statement.callResult
> instance variable.
> Is this right?


My apologies, this one is my fault. In attempting to circumvent the
original problem I was experimenting with different ways of calling
the procedure, and had left my own code as running
statement.executeQuery() instead of statement.execute().
