Thread: date value not geting inserted properly

date value not geting inserted properly

i have a cloumn in my table which is date type
i parse a file to get the date from there,
and then i form a call to the stored procedure, with the above data as the parameter.
but however it seems that when i form this call, something is messing up, and the value for the birth date, getting into that field is "1969-12-31" ,
and this happens always, it inserts this value only, whtever be the input data value.
i am pasting the code that i am trying to do
stmt.setObject(i + 1, (tagV.value),
        ((TypeAttrib) (primaryKeyMap_.get(tMap.get(temp)))).dataType);
can u please tell as to what should the dataType be for date, isnt it 91- integer?

Re: date value not geting inserted properly

Oliver Jowett
surabhi.ahuja wrote:

> stmt.setObject(i + 1, (tagV.value),
>         ((TypeAttrib) (primaryKeyMap_.get(tMap.get(temp)))).dataType);
> can u please tell as to what should the dataType be for date, isnt it
> 91- integer?

java.sql.Types.DATE is 91, which should be correct if you're inserting a
bare date (with no time part).

What is the type and value of the "tagV.value" object?

What driver version and server version are you using?

What is the query you are executing?

Can you provide a selfcontained testcase showing the problem? You
haven't really given us enough info to go on here.


Re: date value not geting inserted properly

yes that is an Object type.
i figued out the problem,
the value was something like "yyyymmdd"
so i needed to convert it to a date type and then do a setObject.

From: Oliver Jowett []
Sent: Wed 6/7/2006 6:00 PM
To: surabhi.ahuja
Subject: Re: [JDBC] date value not geting inserted properly

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surabhi.ahuja wrote:

> stmt.setObject(i + 1, (tagV.value),
>         ((TypeAttrib) (primaryKeyMap_.get(tMap.get(temp)))).dataType);

> can u please tell as to what should the dataType be for date, isnt it
> 91- integer?

java.sql.Types.DATE is 91, which should be correct if you're inserting a
bare date (with no time part).

What is the type and value of the "tagV.value" object?

What driver version and server version are you using?

What is the query you are executing?

Can you provide a selfcontained testcase showing the problem? You
haven't really given us enough info to go on here.
