Thread: postgreSQL or derby for an enterprise application

postgreSQL or derby for an enterprise application

Legolas Woodland
Thank you for reading my post
I have almost complete a project which its databased is derby .
but now i see that project growth too much in compare with initial planning.

does any one has some experiences with derby and postGreSQL ?
how thees two databases compare ?
which one scale better , has a richer sql language , broader implementation of sql standards ?


Re: postgreSQL or derby for an enterprise application

Simon Riggs
On Sun, 2006-05-14 at 17:40 +0430, Legolas Woodland wrote:
> Hi
> Thank you for reading my post
> I have almost complete a project which its databased is derby .
> but now i see that project growth too much in compare with initial
> planning.

If you can explain the difficulties you've faced with Derby, then we'll
be able to tell you if PostgreSQL can help.

In general, I would expect PostgreSQL to scale much better than Derby.

PostgreSQL is popular with both the Eldar and Dwarvish races (for
different reasons), and is gaining popularity with all Free Peoples.
I've not had recent contact with Orc-ish races to confirm its popularity
with them, but we believe Sauron may now be aware of what we possess.

Feel free to give me a Ring.

  Simon Riggs