Thread: jdbc problem

jdbc problem

"Gilbert, Antoine"



I’am fetching records via the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.


I have a strange problem. The string values always have some blank characters (or tab?) at the end.


So if I have in the database ‘British Columbia’, it become in my java program with rs.getString() something like ‘British Columbia    ’.


The select I’m using is basic : select Province_name from myTable


When I try this query in the PostgreSQL admin console, I don’t have this problem.


Any idea?


Re: jdbc problem

Roland Walter
Gilbert, Antoine schrieb:



I’am fetching records via the PostgreSQL JDBC driver.


I have a strange problem. The string values always have some blank characters (or tab?) at the end.


So if I have in the database ‘British Columbia’, it become in my java program with rs.getString() something like ‘British Columbia    ’.


The select I’m using is basic : select Province_name from myTable


When I try this query in the PostgreSQL admin console, I don’t have this problem.


Any idea?


This is correct if  the type of Province_name is char(xx) and the column width xx is longer than the value.

Roland Walter                   mailto: rwa (at) mosaic-ag (dot) com
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