Thread: error code invalid_input_syntax

error code invalid_input_syntax

Rainer Leo
I wrote a function which generates SQL statements
for INSERTs and UPDATEs, in which I cast the values
to the correct datatype.

Now I want to catch

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "i"

but although I tried quite a few I can't find the right
error code for this exception.

Is it possible that this error can not be caught?


Re: error code invalid_input_syntax

Kris Jurka

On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, Rainer Leo wrote:

> I wrote a function which generates SQL statements
> for INSERTs and UPDATEs, in which I cast the values
> to the correct datatype.
> ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "i"
> but although I tried quite a few I can't find the right
> error code for this exception.

You can easily check the error code via SQLException.getSQLState().  A
quick test in psql will also demonstrate its value.

jurka=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
jurka=# select 'a'::int;
ERROR:  22P02: invalid input syntax for integer: "a"
LOCATION:  pg_atoi, numutils.c:84

Kris Jurka