Thread: Mangled accented characters

Mangled accented characters

Yamir Encarnacion
I am having a problem with my accented characters
getting mangled.
Here is a snippet of the code I ran to reproduce the
>>>Code starts
        Connection con =
DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pwd);
        query = "INSERT INTO container (catparent,
catid, position, catname, cattype) values (2, 1, 1,
'Educaci��n', 0)";
        stmt = con.createStatement();
<<<Code ends

My database is encoded using LATIN1
        List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
 directory | dpr      | LATIN1

When I do a Select using psql for the row above I get
the following:

 catid |  catname  | catparent | position | cattype |
description | keywords
     1 | Educaci��n |         2 |        1 |       0 |

Could someone explain to me how to insert Educaci��n
as Educaci��n instead of as Educaci��n.  Thank you.


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Re: Mangled accented characters

Dave Cramer

You should review the archives looking for encoding unicode.

The short version is that internally java uses unicode, and so does the

On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 19:54, Yamir Encarnacion wrote:
> I am having a problem with my accented characters
> getting mangled.
> Here is a snippet of the code I ran to reproduce the
> problem
> >>>Code starts
>         Connection con =
> DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, pwd);
>         query = "INSERT INTO container (catparent,
> catid, position, catname, cattype) values (2, 1, 1,
> 'Educacin', 0)";
>         stmt = con.createStatement();
>         stmt.execute(query);
>         con.close();
> <<<Code ends
> My database is encoded using LATIN1
>         List of databases
>    Name    |  Owner   | Encoding
>  directory | dpr      | LATIN1
> When I do a Select using psql for the row above I get
> the following:
>  catid |  catname  | catparent | position | cattype |
> description | keywords
> -------+-----------+-----------+----------+---------+-------------+----------
>      1 | Educacin |         2 |        1 |       0 |
>             |
> Could someone explain to me how to insert Educacin
> as Educacin instead of as Educacin.  Thank you.
> Yamir
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Dave Cramer
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ICQ # 14675561