Thread: ResultSet.getFetchsize()


"Jens Hillert"

in previous PostgreSQL JDBC drivers (e.g. 7.3), the Method
ResultSet.getFetchsize() returned the number of results, which were loaded
from the database in a query.

In JDBC3 driver for 7.4 build 215, there is always returned 0. Does anyone
know the reason for this?
Or is there another way to get the number of results of a query?


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Re: ResultSet.getFetchsize()

Kris Jurka

On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Jens Hillert wrote:

> Hello,
> in previous PostgreSQL JDBC drivers (e.g. 7.3), the Method
> ResultSet.getFetchsize() returned the number of results, which were loaded
> from the database in a query.

This was a complete implementation artifact.  The 7.4+ series now has the
ability to stream results from the server and doesn't have any idea how
many results it will receive until it gets them all, so it can't tell you.

> Or is there another way to get the number of results of a query?

You could try ResultSet.moveLast() and then getRow() to determine the
number of results.

Kris Jurka