Thread: Exception while executing function with CallableStatement
CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall
("{ ? = call InsTimeLog ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) }");
proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
proc.setInt(2, getProjectID());
proc.setInt(3, getPersonellID());
proc.setInt(4, getFeeTypeCode().getLookupID());
proc.setDate(5, getLogDate());
proc.setInt(6, getHours());
proc.setInt(7, getMinutes());
if (getInvoiceID() > 0) {
proc.setInt(8, getInvoiceID());
} else {
proc.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER);
if (getComment() == null) {
proc.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);
} else {
proc.setString(9, getComment());
newID = proc.getInt(1);
When the 8th and 9th parameters are set to null, I get the following error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function instimelog(integer, integer,
integer, "unknown", integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown") does not exist
Since I'm setting the type using Types.INTEGER and Types.VARCHAR, I do not know why the exception is listing the types for the eight and nineth fields as "unknown". I would appreciate any help.
From: Philip A. ChapmanSent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 8:44 PMSubject: [JDBC] Exception while executing function with CallableStatementEveryone,I have the following function set up in the database:CREATE FUNCTIONInsTimeLog(INTEGER, -- ProjectIDINTEGER, -- PersonellIDINTEGER, -- FeeTypeCodeDATE, -- LogDateINTEGER, -- Hours LoggedINTEGER, -- Minutes LoggedINTEGER, -- InvoiceIDVARCHAR(30) -- Comment) RETURNS INT4 -- ProjectIDAS'DECLAREpProjectID ALIAS FOR $1;pPersonellID ALIAS FOR $2;pFeeTypeCode ALIAS FOR $3;pLogDate ALIAS FOR $4;pHoursLogged ALIAS FOR $5;pMinutesLogged ALIAS FOR $6;pInvoiceID ALIAS FOR $7;pComment ALIAS FOR $8;vID INT4;BEGIN--- Insert the new recordINSERT INTOTimeLog(ProjectID,PersonellID,FeeTypeCode,LogDate,HoursLogged,MinutesLogged,InvoiceID,Comment) VALUES (pProjectID,pPersonellID,pFeeTypeCode,pLogDate,pHoursLogged,pMinutesLogged,pInvoiceID,pComment);--- Return the ID of the newly inserted recordSELECT last_value INTO id FROM timelog_timelogid_seq;RETURN vID;END;'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';The following Java code is used to execute the function:CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall
("{ ? = call InsTimeLog ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) }");
proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
proc.setInt(2, getProjectID());
proc.setInt(3, getPersonellID());
proc.setInt(4, getFeeTypeCode().getLookupID());
proc.setDate(5, getLogDate());
proc.setInt(6, getHours());
proc.setInt(7, getMinutes());
if (getInvoiceID() > 0) {
proc.setInt(8, getInvoiceID());
} else {
proc.setNull(8, Types.INTEGER);
if (getComment() == null) {
proc.setNull(9, Types.VARCHAR);} else {
proc.setString(9, getComment());
newID = proc.getInt(1);
proc.close();When the 8th and 9th parameters are set to null, I get the following error:
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function instimelog(integer, integer,
integer, "unknown", integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown") does not existSince I'm setting the type using Types.INTEGER and Types.VARCHAR, I do not know why the exception is listing the types for the eight and nineth fields as "unknown". I would appreciate any help.
On Sun, 7 Mar 2004, Philip A. Chapman wrote: > org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function instimelog(integer, > integer, integer, "unknown", integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown") > does not exist > > Since I'm setting the type using Types.INTEGER and Types.VARCHAR, I do > not know why the exception is listing the types for the eight and nineth > fields as "unknown". I would appreciate any help. > This is indeed a bug, but in your case the error is because the function does not exist. There are two possible problems that I saw in my testing: I created three functions CREATE FUNCTION nullfunc(a timestamptz) RETURNS timestamptz AS 'BEGIN RETURN $1; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql CREATE FUNCTION nullfunc(a int) RETURNS int AS 'BEGIN RETURN $1; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql CREATE FUNCTION nullfunc(a text) RETURNS text AS 'BEGIN RETURN $1; END;' LANGUAGE plpgsql and java code that tries to call the int version: CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{? = call nullfunc(?)}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER); cs.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); cs.execute(); int result = cs.getInt(1); This resulted in the text version being called even though you would expect the int version to be called, resulting in: A CallableStatement Function was executed and the return was of type (java.sql.Types=12) however type=java.sql.Types=4 was registered. After deleting the text function the backend couldn't determine which function to call and I get: ERROR: function nullfunc("unknown") is not unique At the moment no casting is done for any function arguments. We could do something like the server side prepared statement's code in AbstractJdbc1Statement.transformToServerPrepare for CallableStatements as well. Would we want that for all arguments or just for null ones? Adding the casts for non-null parameters would allow the selection between two functions like f(int4) and f(int2), but could likely cause other problems/unexpected behavior. Kris Jurka