> Thomas,
> Do you have a feature list, and or a roadmap where you want to take
> this?
I'm planning on writing a roadmap. At present, I'm logging tasks that I feel
should be implemented in the task list of the project. If you go here:
http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/pljava/task/tasklist.php and search for
"Not closed", you get a fairly good idea of the near future.
Long term, it depends a bit on what kind of reception the project will have.
My objective is to eventually have it accepted and included in PostgreSQL.
Don't know the best route to get there though. Any advice is appreciated :-)
The project also have a "Feature requests" mechanism where I encourage
anyone with interest to add things they think would benefit the project.
> Have you any ideas for supporting jdbc calls from within the java
> function?
I do indeed. Most of the things you do with Pl/Java is done using JDBC calls
from within java. The JDBC driver maps the calls to SPI. As I browse the
user doc's I realize I actually missed the section regarding this support
(will add promptly). Some of the samples in the download (SPIActions.java)
shows how it's done though.
In essence, there's a default connection available using:
Connection conn =
From there on, you can prepare and execute statements, and use ResultSet's.
Just like with any JDBC driver. The only thing not implemented yet is
In fact, much of the management routines (install_jar, replace_jar, etc.) is
written in Java using the JDBC interfaces.
Thomas Hallgren