Thread: ...


I found out that the ResultSetMetaData isNullable() method is not
supported by the postgres jdbc driver.

I couldn't find a work around, until I started messing with phpPgAdmin.
Apparently the php driver has no problems at all figuring out which columns are

Currently, I've been copy, pasting and vim massaging phpPgAdmin pages
into a properties file that tracks which fields are nullable.  This
is... sub-optimal.

My question is this.  If the call is available in the php driver, why isn't it
available in the jdbc driver?  The only relevant post I could find on (
says that it won't be available until after 7.4 due to an inflexibility in the
FB/BE protocol.  Why doesn't the php driver suffer from the same problems?
Finally, and most importantly (to me that is), is there a better work-around for
my problem?  Is it possible to use a runtime.exec call to the php binary in some
weird, unportable, masochistic way?  I'd be willing to try anything at this point.

Thanks for your time,


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