Thread: UPDATE Concurrent Connections - User only allowed one

UPDATE Concurrent Connections - User only allowed one

"Gordon Ross"
Just been playing with some things. I don't get this problem if
Postgresql is running on Linux (Using Slackware 9.0 with 2.4.20 kernel)

The only other difference, is that this Linux system (running under
VMWare) is using the latest Tomcat 4.1.27, whereas the tomcat on the
Solaris box is 4.0.something

Not sure if this helps or hinders...


>>> Paul Thomas <> 03/10/2003 13:21:09 >>>

On 03/10/2003 11:35 Gordon Ross wrote:
> OK. I increased it from the default of 32 to 128 and did a pg_ctl
> reload. Still get the same problem. With server running (but doing
> nothing), cannot connect from PC, I get the error message: "No
> pg_hba.conf entry for host" - yet shutting down the
> server process allows the PC to connect.

Wierd. It sounds like your server program is grabbing every possible
tcp/ip connection to the db. Could this be the case somehow? You would

still be able to psql to the db from the Solaris box as there are
a couple of reserved super-user connections. I can't explain why you
that particular error message though.

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller
Business |
| Computer Consultants         |   |

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