In looking at this some more, I don't think this will be as difficult as
I had feared. I discovered that ResultSetMetaData doesn't even use the
data that is passed to it, all it needs is the Field[] information. So
then it just boils down to the following question: Is the delayed
initialization of the RefCursorResultSet necessary? If so, I would like
to understand why it is necessary (some comments in the code would
probably be a good thing either way). This could be fixed in two ways:
1) by removing the delayed initialization altogether, or 2) by adding
the initialization check into the other methods (like getMetaData())
that can be called before next().
Barry Lind wrote:
> Nic,
> Could you look into this bug? (Let me know either way). The problem is
> specific to RefCursorResultSets. And since you submitted this code, it
> might be easier for you to think of a solution here, even if you don't
> code it. The problem is that the current logic in
> JdbcXRefCursorResultSet doesn't initialize the ResultSet until next() is
> called. However the logic in getMetaData() is assuming that the
> ResultSet is already initialized and passes the data and Field[] over. I
> am not really sure how this should work now that RefCursorResultSets are
> in the picture. Thus I would like your input.
> thanks,
> --Barry
> PS. This probably should be added as a test case as well.
> Doug Kearns wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> ResultSet#getMetaData() is returning null, using the current CVS driver,
>> if called before ResultSet#next()
>> <snippet>
>> db.setAutoCommit(false);
>> CallableStatement st = db.prepareCall( "{ ? = call doit () }" );
>> st.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER);
>> st.execute();
>> ResultSet rs = (ResultSet) st.getObject(1);
>> ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
>> System.out.println( "Column count = " + md.getColumnCount() );
>> //Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>> //at
>> org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2ResultSetMetaData.getColumnCount(
>> //at JDBCTest.main(
>> </snippet>
>> Regards,
>> Doug
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