Thread: possible JDBC bug

possible JDBC bug

"Dieter Cox"

I am having a problem with a program of mine. I am trying to read metadata
from a vey big database. Now this what happend :
I created 100+ tables with names like : t1 , t2 , t3 , ... t150. All the
tables are correctly inserted in the database with their keys all correct.
When I try to read the metadata for this database, the keys for all tables
which contain a '0' in their name, are corrupted. I mean that the fields are
of the names of the fields are cut off !

When i try to do this with a smaller database (eg : 99 tables) all works
perfect. Above 100 tables it goed wrong.
I tried making a DB without numbers in table names and this also works
perfect, even above 250 tables.

Is this a known bug?

i'm using :
Driver: PostgreSQL Native Driver, PostgreSQL 7.3.1 JDBC3 jdbc driver build
DBMS: PostgreSQL, 7.2.2



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Re: possible JDBC bug

Dave Cramer

Nobody has ever tested it under these conditions. Can you send us a
small file to replicate the problem?

On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 06:46, Dieter Cox wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a problem with a program of mine. I am trying to read metadata
> from a vey big database. Now this what happend :
> I created 100+ tables with names like : t1 , t2 , t3 , ... t150. All the
> tables are correctly inserted in the database with their keys all correct.
> When I try to read the metadata for this database, the keys for all tables
> which contain a '0' in their name, are corrupted. I mean that the fields are
> unspecified
> of the names of the fields are cut off !
> When i try to do this with a smaller database (eg : 99 tables) all works
> perfect. Above 100 tables it goed wrong.
> I tried making a DB without numbers in table names and this also works
> perfect, even above 250 tables.
> Is this a known bug?
> i'm using :
> Driver: PostgreSQL Native Driver, PostgreSQL 7.3.1 JDBC3 jdbc driver build
> 108
> DBMS: PostgreSQL, 7.2.2
> thx,
> Dieter
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Dave Cramer <>