Thread: [Fwd: Re: pg73jdbc3.jar ClassNotFoundException]

[Fwd: Re: pg73jdbc3.jar ClassNotFoundException]

Daniel Serodio
Thanks for the info, but it'd be better if you sent it directly yo the
list :)

-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Leonardo Hernandez <>
To: Daniel Serodio <>
Subject: Re: [JDBC] pg73jdbc3.jar ClassNotFoundException
Date: 18 Feb 2003 19:10:57 -0300


leo hernandez

Mensaje citado por Daniel Serodio <>:

> How are you invoking this sample app? If this is packed within a jar,
> you need to pass -classpath as the CLASSPATH env var is ignored.
> []'s
> Daniel Serodio
> On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 17:45, Shannon Scott wrote:
> > Hello,
> > My apologies if this is a repeat question... I could not find my
> > answer in the archives.
> > I am trying to connect to PostGreSQL through a JDBC connection.
> > I have set my classpath ( returned from set ):
> >
> >
> > but when I run my sample:
> >
> > import java.sql.*;
> >
> > public class TestConn
> > {
> >   public static void main( String argv[] ) throws
> >     java.sql.SQLException, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
> >   {
> >     Class.forName( "org.postgresql.Driver" );
> >     String url = "jdbc:postgresql://test:5432/test";
> >     Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection( url, "test",
> > "testpass" );
> >   }
> > }
> >
> > It throws the ClassNotFoundException.
> > I am using:
> > Redhat 8.0
> > PostGreSQL 7.2
> > J2SDK  1.4.0
> >
> > I thought this ( pg73jdbc3.jar )  was the right version to use.
> > I'm sure I've missed something simple... any help is greatly
> > appreciated.
> > I have successfully set up JDBC connections for Oracle and MySQL in
> > the past without problems.
> > Thank You for any Help.
> > Shannon
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Daniel Serodio <>
> CheckForte
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