Thread: JDBC - Open Office

JDBC - Open Office

Scott Taylor
I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL 7.2 in Open Office on Red Hat 8. I
have downloaded the driver pg73jdbc3.jar into my JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.

In OO I have completed the "new datasources" with the following

URL         - jdbc:postgresql:accs
Driver Class     - org.postgresql.Driver
Username     - XXXXXX
Character Set     - system

All the docs say you can download a pre-compiled driver or compile your
own source. Most of the docs seem to assume you have taken the source

OO cannot seem to connect, and asks to check username/password. It also
says that no java is installed. Java -version confirms it is installed.
Is their a special configuration for java with OO? Can anyone see a



Re: JDBC - Open Office

Fernando Nasser
What does 'which java' points to?

Scott Taylor wrote:
> I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL 7.2 in Open Office on Red Hat 8. I
> have downloaded the driver pg73jdbc3.jar into my JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.
> In OO I have completed the "new datasources" with the following
> parameters:
> URL         - jdbc:postgresql:accs
> Driver Class     - org.postgresql.Driver
> Username     - XXXXXX
> Character Set     - system
> All the docs say you can download a pre-compiled driver or compile your
> own source. Most of the docs seem to assume you have taken the source
> option.
> OO cannot seem to connect, and asks to check username/password. It also
> says that no java is installed. Java -version confirms it is installed.
> Is their a special configuration for java with OO? Can anyone see a
> problem?

Fernando Nasser
Red Hat Canada Ltd.                     E-Mail:
2323 Yonge Street, Suite #300
Toronto, Ontario   M4P 2C9

Re: JDBC - Open Office

Dave Cramer

the url may be wrong, I think it should be


On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 12:10, Scott Taylor wrote:
> I am trying to connect to PostgreSQL 7.2 in Open Office on Red Hat 8. I
> have downloaded the driver pg73jdbc3.jar into my JAVA_HOME/lib/ext.
> In OO I have completed the "new datasources" with the following
> parameters:
> URL         - jdbc:postgresql:accs
> Driver Class     - org.postgresql.Driver
> Username     - XXXXXX
> Character Set     - system
> All the docs say you can download a pre-compiled driver or compile your
> own source. Most of the docs seem to assume you have taken the source
> option.
> OO cannot seem to connect, and asks to check username/password. It also
> says that no java is installed. Java -version confirms it is installed.
> Is their a special configuration for java with OO? Can anyone see a
> problem?
> Regards
> Scott
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to
Dave Cramer <>

Re: JDBC - Open Office

Steve Wampler
> > OO cannot seem to connect, and asks to check username/password. It also
> > says that no java is installed. Java -version confirms it is installed.
> > Is their a special configuration for java with OO? Can anyone see a
> > problem?

When you installed OO, where did you tell it java was located?  My best
guess is that you need to update OO's opinion of which java to use.
Steve Wampler <>
National Solar Observatory